Questions to ask when reading with your Child

Ask questions to help your children think about main idea, details, drawing conclusions, inference, predicting outcomes and character analysis. Ask questions that require a full sentence answer. Encourage your children to express themselves fully. Let them finish their own sentences. The better they express themselves verbally, the more fully they will answer questions in the […]

Encouraging Children

Children need both encouragement and praise. Make your encouragement personal. Give specific and direct praise. Reword your praising words from fatigue and general (“That’s good”) to a personal and specific (“I like the way you are working on that paragraph”). Give encouragement until a task is done well. Then praise the student for a job […]

Does Your Home Promote the Love of Learning?

Word to Encourage Keep Going—you are getting it. You are trying very hard. I know that you can do it. I like the way you are focusing. You are my star student today. I know sounding out words is difficult. Your persistence has paid off. You are putting forth wonderful effort & really learning a […]

Thriving During The Holidays – with children

The holidays are a time to be with friends and family and to experience the joy of shared hope. But many times, the holidays also bring too much hurrying and not enough family time. Most of us have learned to manage the stress the befalls most adults, yet we overlook the added stress that is […]

Homework Tips

When starts back in August of September that means earlier bedtimes, morning routines and daily homework for the students in CMS. Parents often dread an afternoon of struggling over homework; yet, if you set up a routine early in the year and be consistent, the year will can be a smooth one. Teach your children […]

Starting The Year Off Strong

When starts back in August or September that means earlier bedtimes, morning routines and daily homework for the students in CMS. Parents often dread an afternoon of struggling over homework; yet, if you set up a routine early in the year and be consistent, the year will can be a smooth one. Start by setting […]