Tips for Learning Over the Summer

charlotte summer camp

Summer break is just around the corner, and while teachers around the community are breathing a sigh of relief as they prepare for a much-needed break, many are dreading what they know is about to happen – the dreaded “summer slump.” Students who don’t stimulate their brains during the summer months lose the academic skills […]

Tips to Helping Your Child Write Better

swan learning center

For many parents, teaching their child to write better is an important goal. Early writing experiences can help to lay the groundwork for a child’s later academic success. While learning to write is important, many children balk at the idea of having to sit down and spend time writing when they would rather be playing. […]

Educational Summer Camp in Charlotte

Even though it feels like spring has just started, the reality is that school will be out before you know it. Many schools in the Charlotte area have headed into their final quarters, and the home stretch is in sight. This is the time to start thinking about what you will do with your children […]

Tutoring Services in Cotswold

tutoring services

  Children in Cotswold can benefit from a tutor for a variety of reasons. Some students need an additional challenge that they cannot find in school. Others struggle and need the help of an outside influence to help them excel. Some simply need assistance in building good study or testing skills as they learn how […]

Tutoring Services in Charlotte, NC for the New Year

Christmas is over and your child is heading into the third quarter in school. This is the time when many children start to struggle. Why not start the New Year of right with some tutoring? Here are some reasons why tutoring in Charlotte is a great way to start the New Year. 1. Build Your […]

Avoiding the Third-Quarter Slump

Christmas is almost here, and with it comes time off of school and the end of the second quarter. When your kids return to school after the holiday break, they will be close to starting the third quarter. This is the time when attention drifts, grades slump and kids start to get antsy for summer […]

Winter Break Learning Activities

Child Studying

  After the turkey has been consumed and the presents have been opened, many parents are looking at a few days or even weeks of kids at home without school to fill their time. How can you keep your kids engaged and their minds active during this holiday break? Here are some fun and educational […]

Tips for SAT Test Prep

While it may feel like the school year just started, high school students are thinking ahead to the SAT. Proper preparation is the key to performing well on this test the first time. If you have a student planning to take the SAT this school year, here are some tips to help with the preparation. […]

Building Strong Communication with Teachers

math teacher charlotte

A new school year has started. Whether your child is thriving, just getting by or struggling, one of the keys to making it a successful school year is good communication between parents and teachers. As a parent, here are some tips you can use to make that communication positive and helpful. 1. Ask the Best […]

Start the School Year Off Right with These Tips

School has started. Is your child getting off to the right track? No matter how old your child is, you, as the parent, can help prepare him for academic success. Here are some ideas you can use to make the first few weeks of school the best for your child. Have a Solid Routine Summer […]