Back-to-School Stress Relief for Kids

Summer is drawing to an end. Many summer school and summer enrichment programs are ending as schools get prepared to welcome students and parents start shopping for school supplies. For some students, this can mean an increase in anxiety as they wonder what to expect from new teachers, new peers and new experiences. If you […]

Educational Summer Boredom Busters

It’s summer. If you have the privilege of being home with your kids, you are going to hear plenty of “I’m bored!” in the next few months. Here are some educational activities to give your kids to stave off the boredom when it hits and promote summer learning. 1. Plan a Garage Sale “I’m bored” […]

Summer Is Here! Keep Kids Learning with Summer Camps

Are you ready for summer? Most kids are ready to toss their schoolbooks in a corner and forget about them for the next three months, but studies have shown that this causes significant damage in their overall learning. The Swan Learning Center specializes in helping kids through the summer. If you are looking for a […]

Making the Most of the Summer Reading Program

Summer is coming, and with it are months of leisure for your kids. If you aren’t careful, your children will lose much of what they have learned during the school year. How can you maintain the leisure of summer without losing everything your children have worked so hard to learn this year? The answer is […]

Summer’s Coming – Keep Your Kids Engaged

While it might feel like winter just left the Charlotte area, the fact is that the school year is three-fourths of the way over. Now is the time to start thinking about ways to keep your kids engaged and learning over the summer. These tips from the Swan Learning Center will get you started thinking […]

4 Tips for Making the Most of Teacher Conferences

The key to success in school for many kids is involved parents. When you know what is going on at school and how your child is handling various subjects and social situations, you are setting the stage for success. This requires a good connection between you, as the parent, and your children’s teachers. That connection […]

Signs of Potential Reading Problems in Young Children

As a parent, chances are high that you are a much stronger reader than your elementary aged child. Sometimes spotting true challenges, the type of challenge that warrants the help of a Charlotte tutoring center, is not always easy. Some of the earliest warning signs of reading challenges can be explained away because the child […]

Three Tips for Making Education Fun

Just like a spoon full of sugar helps medicine go down, a dash of fun can make even the most complicated lesson palatable for students. Let’s examine three ways tutors and teachers can make education not only rewarding, but enjoyable. Show don’t tell Failing to make lessons engaging and interactive is of the more common […]

Discover, The Discovery Place!

Learn in a place that can teach you about the ice bergs of Antarctica, the unbelievable migration of the Monarch Butterfly, and one of the most respected painters ever. All this in one day, and without having to step foot outside on a rainy day. The Discovery Place is a magical place where imagination and […]

Coping With A Learning Disability

All parents want their child to be a super star in the classroom. Unfortunately many young students encounter learning challenges that prevent them from exceling as fast as their peers. It can be difficult to watch your child struggle while learning to read or uncovering the basics of math. Accepting that your child may have […]