Why Exercise And Nutrition Are Just As Important As Studying

Boosting your child’s education is not always about honing in on their reading, writing and arithmetic skills. Many outside factors contribute to a child’s ability to learn, including the amount of exercise they get and the food they eat. Due to dwindling school budgets and new regulations, schools are limiting physical education and other activities […]

Returning To A School Year Sleep Schedule

Once the school year rolls back around in August, parents have a lot of work to do in order to get their children into the back-to-school mode. One of the most important steps of this process is to readjust their sleep schedule. According to the National Sleep Foundation, children between the ages of five to […]

Tips For Summer Reading Practices

charlotte reading tutor

According to reports conducted by the Department of Education, children who don’t read during the summer often approach the new school year with deteriorated reading skills. In order to address this problem, department officials encourage parents to require their children to read for thirty minutes everyday throughout the summer break. Thirty minutes a day equals […]

How To Convince Your Child that Educational Summer Camps can be Fun!

swan learning center

We feel it is our obligation to prepare you for the likely reaction you will receive from your children once you inform them they will be heading to Swan Learning Center for summer school. The moment a child hears the phrase “summer school” – eyes widen, jaws drop and fists clench. In most case scenarios, […]

How High Standardized Test Scores Can Reduce College Education Costs

Teachers spend a good amount of time trying to prepare their students for standardized testing to the best of your abilities. This is likely to be especially true if you are a high school teacher, as this is the time when many students begin taking such tests as the ACT and SAT, which are often […]

Tricks to Helping Your Child Write Better

For many parents, teaching their child to write better is an important goal. Early writing experiences can help to lay the groundwork for a child’s later academic success. While learning to write is important, many children balk at the idea of having to sit down and spend time writing when they would rather be playing. […]

How High Standardized Test Scores Can Reduce College Education Costs

If you are a public schooling teacher, then you probably spend a good amount of time trying to prepared your students for standardized testing to the best of your abilities. This is likely to be especially true if you are a high school teacher, as this is the time when many students begin taking such […]

Family Games that Encourage Learning

Playing games as a family can be a relaxed and painless way to build math, reading and writing skills. When done correctly, educational games can be light-hearted and fun. It is easy to find games touted as being educational, but not all educational games appeal to children. A weekly family game night builds educational skills, […]

Questions to ask when reading with your Child

Ask questions to help your children think about main idea, details, drawing conclusions, inference, predicting outcomes and character analysis. Ask questions that require a full sentence answer. Encourage your children to express themselves fully. Let them finish their own sentences. The better they express themselves verbally, the more fully they will answer questions in the […]

Encouraging Children

Children need both encouragement and praise. Make your encouragement personal. Give specific and direct praise. Reword your praising words from fatigue and general (“That’s good”) to a personal and specific (“I like the way you are working on that paragraph”). Give encouragement until a task is done well. Then praise the student for a job […]