Best Ways to Keep Your Child Learning This Summer
Summer vacation is every kid’s dream. No school or homework for months! However, the excitement of summer can only last for so long until they start to get restless and ready to go back to school. Along with that, the months off of school can be detrimental to your child’s learning habits depending on how […]
Best Educational Games & Toys
Are you looking for the perfect toys for your children this Christmas that will also be educational? Are you on the hunt for games to gift your family members that can also help teach them their shapes, colors, or numbers? Well, you are in luck! With so many educational games and toys on the market, […]
Happy Holidays!
We just wanted to take a minute and say thank you to all of our kids, tutors, and educational partners for making this past year great! We wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Avoiding the Third-Quarter Slump
Christmas is almost here, and with it comes time off of school and the end of the second quarter. When your kids return to school after the holiday break, they will be close to starting the third quarter. This is the time when attention drifts, grades slump and kids start to get antsy for summer […]
Winter Break Learning Activities
After the turkey has been consumed and the presents have been opened, many parents are looking at a few days or even weeks of kids at home without school to fill their time. How can you keep your kids engaged and their minds active during this holiday break? Here are some fun and educational […]