7 Activities To Keep Your Student Sharp Over Winter Break
Winter break is approaching and that means kids are counting down the days until they get a break from school. Even though winter break is much shorter than summer break, kids can still lose important information over the holidays. Keeping their minds engaged during break will help them prosper when they return to school in […]
Teach Your Preschooler to Love Reading with These 5 Tips
Are you hoping to turn your little one into a strong reader? Even in the preschool years there are many steps a parent can take to help guide their child into reading. While these years are not designed for hours of formal reading instruction, they are perfect for pre-reading skills, and these tips will help […]
Our Favorite Books for Summer Reading
Summer is every child’s favorite time of the year. There’s no more school and no homework for a few months, and endless time to relax and play. However, summer is the perfect time to help your kids catch up on the reading skills! Not all kids love reading, however, it is important to stay up […]
Making the Most of the Summer Reading Program
Summer is coming, and with it are months of leisure for your kids. If you aren’t careful, your children will lose much of what they have learned during the school year. How can you maintain the leisure of summer without losing everything your children have worked so hard to learn this year? The answer is […]
Signs of Potential Reading Problems in Young Children
As a parent, chances are high that you are a much stronger reader than your elementary aged child. Sometimes spotting true challenges, the type of challenge that warrants the help of a Charlotte tutoring center, is not always easy. Some of the earliest warning signs of reading challenges can be explained away because the child […]